Heavy Metal ~ Hard Rock S






Item No. ARTIST title  (Label / Catalog Number) +information Yr Stat Condition Price
E955 S.A.ADAMS stovepipe(NIR NIR013 US power metal 4th / ex-The Fury) 01 US M-/Ex+ 1000
C008 SABU same(USG 12008-2 US melodious hard / f.Paul Sabu) 96 EU M-/M- 1200
E291 SACRED MIRACLE CAVE same(Bomp BCD4034 US heavy - stoner like 70s) 91 US M-/M- 1000
D058 SACRED REICH heal(Metal Blade 3984-14106-2 US thrash 4th) 96 US Ex+/Ex+ 1000
E746 SACRED SINNER same(Megahard MHR019 progressive Brazilian metal 1st) 99 BR M-/M- 1200
E025 SACRED STEEL reborn in steel(Metal Blade 3984-14146-2 German power metal) 97 D M-/M- 500
B226 SACRED STEEL slaughter prophecy(Massacre MASDP0307) digi-pk +bklt
 German power metal 1th
02 D M-/M- 1000
C139 SACRED STEEL hammer of destruction(Massacre MASCD0527 German epic metal) 06 EU M-/M- 1000
P063 SACRIFICE the ones i condemn(Cyclone Empire CYC051-2) digi-pk +bklt +1 bonus
 Canadian thrash
09 EU Ex+/Ex+ 1500
B129 SACRIFICIAL BLOOD unholy fucking hatred(Wictehs Brew BREW033 ltd 700)
 US thrash + harsh vox / 1st
11 EU M-/M- 1000
CD5945 SACRILEGE BC party with god(November Fire NFRCD-001) digi-pk +4 bonus
 US thrash 1st /
08 edition
86 US M-/SS 2300
R092 SACROSANCT recesses for the depraved(1MF 377.0024.2 Dutch technical thrash 2nd) 91 FR M-/Ex+ 3900
A164 SADOM tertius(- - - AHCD001 Brazilian metal 3rd / recorded in 00) 05 BR M-/M- 1200
E504 SAHARA STEEL same(Perris PER00932 original CDR issue / US hard rock - metal 1st) 01 US M-/M- 1000
B008 SAIDIAN evercircle(Blistering BR025 German melodic power metal 1st) 09 EU M-/M- 1200
E129 SAIGON KICK same(Atlantic 7 91634-2) US hard rock 1st 91 US M-/M- 500
R042 SAINT in the battle(Armor AR005 US authentic metal 3rd / 80s US metal reunion) 04 US M-/M- 1200
R043 SAINT warriors of the son(Armor AR006 US authentic metal / 80s US metal reunion)
 re-recorded first EP + 1 new song / 7trk
04 US M-/M- 1200
R044 SAINT the mark(Armor AR008 US authentic metal / 80s US metal reunion) 06 US M-/M- 1200
P014 SAINT hell blade(Retroactive RAR7883 digi-pk / US authentic metal) 10 US M-/M- 1200
E575 SALAMANDRA great mountain elegies(Leviathan LVRCD046)
melodic power metal 3rd /some marks on the disc,no problem to play
04 CZ M-/VG+ 500
E731 SALLY same(Rise Above CDRISE24 UK stoner - doom heavy rock 1st) 99 UK Ex/M- 500
A754 SALTATIO MORTIS das zweite gesicht(Napalm NPR112) ltd digi-pk +bklt
 German folk metal - gothic metal 2nd
02 EU Ex+/Ex 600
S057 SALVAGE same(D&S - - - promo paper cvr / German authentic metal 1st)
 Matrix : S PANTHEON 18 AD 3 01
91 D Ex/Ex 500
C199 SALVATION from where(Inline CD55G-8787-001 German progressive metal 1st) 91 EU M-/M- 1900
L098 SAM JI children of yesterday(Dam Ji CD9701)
 melodious German hard rock / rare private!
97 D M-/M- 4900
A202 SAMAN same(Hammer HMRCD051 Hungarian power metal / ex-Ossian,Kalapacs) 05 HU M-/UNP 2500
J156 SAMMY HAGAR mas tequila(MCA TRK5P 4304 2vers5 promo CD) 99 US M-/Ex+ 300
D007 SANDNESS a wandering(- - - ) private Swiss' power metal - thrash 1st 97 SZ M-/M- 2500
E735 SANGARA симфония эла <symphony of evil>(Metalism MR010 Russian power metal 1st) 04 RU M-/M- 1000
J133 SANTAREM same(- - - private 6trk EP triple G/F digi-pk +inst)
 Brazilian melodious & progressive hard rock
00 BR M-/Ex 800
E670 SANVOISEN exotic ways(Victor VICP-5484) +1 bonus +obi, JPN original cvr
 German progressive metal 1st
94 JP M-/M- 1200
E419 SARAYA same(Polydor 837764-2 US melodious hard 1st / female vox / rare CD) 89 US M-/Ex+ 2900
C110 SARCOFAGUS cycle of life(Poptori 50180962 Finnish power metal 1st) 80 FN Ex+/M- 1500
P131 SARCOFAGUS cycle of life(Mellotron MRCD1002-2 +2 bonus / f.Kimmo Kuunsniemi)
 RE of rare Finnish authentic metal 1st
80 IT M-/SS 1900
R011 SARCOFAGUS envoy of death(Mellotron MRCD1001-2 +2 bonus / deleted edition)
 RE of very are Finnish metal 2nd
80 IT M-/Ex 2900
P120 SARISSA masters of sins(Black Lotus BLR/CD068) +slipcase <ex+>, Greek power metal 2nd 04 GR M-/M- 700
CD7003 SATIRA el mundo des los suenos(Foque FCD018)
 RE of rare melodic Spanish metal 1st
91 SP M-/SS 2500
E920 SATUREYE where flesh and divinity collide(Karmageddon Media KARMA058)
 Swedish thrash 1st with harsh vo
04 HO M-/M- 1000
F028 SAUROM LAMDERTH sombras del este(Red Dragon RDR005CD) 2CD, Spanish folk metal 2nd 02 SP M-/M-/M- 2900
E361 SAVALLION DAWN the charge (Sound Riot SRP024 German power metal 1st) 03 EU M-/M- 800
E110 SAVATAGE fight for the rock(Atlantic AMCY388 US metal) 86 JP M-/Ex 1000
A573 SAVATAGE gutter ballet(Atlantic AMCY-703) +obi, US metal 5th 89 JP M-/Ex+ 1000
A385 SAVATAGE edge of thorns(Atlantic AMCY-545 +2 bonus +obi / US metal 7th) 93 JP M-/M- 1000
E041 SAVATAGE edge of thorns(Atlantic 82488-2 US metal) 93 US M-/M- 500
A038 SAVATAGE handful of rain(Atlantic 82660-2 US metal) 94 US M-/M- 500
E078 SAVATAGE handful of rain(Zero XRCN-1147) US metal 8th 94 JP Ex+/Ex+ 500
E756 SAVATAGE handful of rain(Zero XRCN-1147 +obi / US metal) 94 JP M-/M- 1000
A007 SAVATAGE ghost in the ruins : a tribute to criss oliva(Fresh Fruit SPV085-12142)
88 - 90 live materials feat. Criss Oliva / US metal
95 D M-/M- 500
A297 SAVATAGE dead winter dead(Zero XRCN-1249 +1 bonus +obi<ex+> / US metal) 95 JP M-/M- 1000
A581 SAVATAGE final bell - tribute to christopher michael olivia(Zero XRCN-1257) live '87 - '90 95 JP M-/Ex+ 700
E388 SAVATAGE the wake of ecadenc(Atlantic/Lava 83100-2 +3 bonus / US authentic metal) 98 US M-/M- 500
E897 SAVINO same(Savino Music/MAGC - - -) rare private 5trk
 US authentic metal - hard rock like 80
93 US M-/M- 4900
E768 SAVIOUR MACHINE I <same>(Intense FLD9427 US progressive metal - gothic 1st) 93 US Ex+/M- 800
E447 SAVIOUR MACHINE II (Intense CD32005-2 US progressive - gothic metal 2nd) 94 D M-/M- 1000
B056 SAVIOUR MACHINE legend part II(Massacre MASCD0156 printed black case)
 US progressive - gothic metal
98 EU Ex+/M- 1000
P050 SAXON wheels of steel(EMI 50999 6 94445 2 4 +8 bonus / NWOBHM 2nd / 09 issue) 80 EU M-/SS 1500
B130 SAXON denim and leather(Disky DC867382 UK metal - NWOBHM) 81 HO M-/SS 2200
CD6992 SAXON power & the glory(EMI 50999 6 99341 2) +9 bonus
 NWOBHM 5th/
09 issue
83 EU M-/SS 1700
A175 SAXON rock the nation(EMI CDP7 46371 2 / no IFPI code / UK metal) 86 UK Ex+/Ex+ 800
L075 SAY IT louder(MTM Music 0681-85 Swedish melodious hard) 03 D M-/Ex- 800
A755 SCAFFOLD eerie circles(Inline 8251-2) German progressive metal 1st 94 D Ex+/M- 800
A361 SCAM LUIZ no pain no gain(Metronome POCP-1379) +obi
 German funky hard rock 3rd
93 JP M-/M- 500
M081 SCAM LUIZ power of life(Metronome/Polydor POCP-2304 +obi / 7trk / German hard) 94 JP M-/M- 500
E329 SCAMP mirror faced mentality(Scarlet SC164-2 Danish groovy thrash 1st) 08 EU M-/M- 500
B211 SCANDALL vsechno je jinek(Popron 54138-2 melodious Czech hard rock - metal) 96 CZ M-/M- 1000
E739 SCARLET BLUE castles in the sand(Sand Galore - - - private US melodious hard - metal) 95 US M-/M- 2500
F033 SCARLET WIZARD pay for your sins(Megahard P&D 002 Brazilian authentic metal 1st) 97 BR M-/Ex 1500
A010 SCATTERBRAIN scamboogery(Elektra WMC5-473) US funk metal - crossover ex-Ludichrist 91 JP M-/Ex- 500
S039 SCATTERBRAIN return of the dudes tour ep(Virgin VOZEPCD004 5trkEP / paper cvr)
 US modern thrash
92 AU M-/Ex 300
A432 SCAVENGER devils' dinner(Scavenger AMR6666-xevil Dutch metal) 98 HO Ex+/M- 500
E476 SCAVENGER burnout lane(Scavenger SCAV2003666 Dutch hard rock - metal) 04 EU M-/M- 800
E898 SCHURZENJAGER engea sind starker(BMG 74321 33243 2 German mellow pop hard) 96 EU M-/M- 800
A523 SCHWARZERBEIT james gordon's story(Teichiku TECX-25775 +3 bonus +obi)
 f.Ralph Hubert from Mekong Delta / progressive metal instrumental
94 JP M-/M- 800
S051 SCORPIONS lonesome crow(Brain/Universal UICY9566 German hard rock 1st) '05 issue
 ltd G/F paper cvr like mini LP<
見開き紙ジャケ> / f.Michael Schenker
72 JP M-/M- 1500
S050 SCORPIONS fly to the rainbow(BMG BVCM-37923 / '07 issue)
 ltd paper cvr like mini LP<
限定紙ジャケ> +obi
74 JP M-/Ex 1900
C223 SCORPIONS alien nation(Mercury 862673-2 4trk5CDEP) 93 EU M-/M- 500
E966 SCORPIONS sting in the tail(Universal B0014055-02 German hard rock - metal) 10 US M-/M- 500
B111 SCREAM let it scream(Hollywood HR-60994-2 f.John Corabi post-Motley Crue)
 US hard rock - glam metal
91 US Ex+/M- 3900
E861 SCREAMING JETS tear of thought(Rooart 4509906782 Aussie hard R&R 2nd) 92 AU Ex/M- 500
E503 SCROM renaissance(Scrom - - - Argentina progressive metal / private CDR) 01 AG M-/M- 800
E344 SCUDIERO walking through mirrors(Z Records ZR1997011 Swedish prog. metal 1st) 99 UK Ex+/M- 500
M022 SDI satans defloration incorporated(Battle Cry BC013) +3 bonus
 German speed metal - thrash 1st
86 D M-/Ex+ 1300
A667 SEA OF DREAMS dawn of time(SOD SODR196) Norwegian progressive metal 1st 96 NR Ex+/M- 500
E957 SEASONS OF THE WOLF nocturnal revelation(Earth Mother Music EMM SW11031)
 US progressive metal 3rd
01 US M-/M- 800
J004 SECRET SMILE the road less traveled(Metal mayhem MMM00037 US melodious hard) 03 C M-/M- 1000
E347 SECRET SPHERE a time nevercome(Avalon MICP-10229) +1 bonus +obi
 Italia' symphonic melodic metal 2nd
01 JP M-/M- 800
D065 SED LEX de viris(Brennus BR8104 French progressive metal 1st) 03 FR M-/M- 1000
C066 SELIDOR la costa mas lejanda(- - - private Argentina melodic power metal 1st) 00 AG M-/M- 1200
E693 SEMEFO laervarium(W-dabliu WR003) dark Mexican power metal / ltd 500
 Prod;Paul Chain
97 IT M-/UNP 1900
E354 SEMLAH suffering in silence(Semlah - - - private Swedish doom metal / 7trk) 04 SW Ex+/Ex+ 1000
B167 SENSELESS book of destiny(Senseless - - - private 6trk / German power metal) 97 D M-/M- 1000
P043 SEO MUN TAK <ソムン タク> now here(Ensemble ENCM-2020 +obi)
 Korean female hard pop / f. Reibun Ohtani <
大谷令文> , Marty Friedman
03 JP M-/SS 800
E925 SEOTAIJI AND BOYS V( Bond BDCD023 Korean hard - melodious rock) 94 KR Ex+/M- 1500
E696 SEPTIMO ANGEL m.a.v.a.(Templario - - - Mexican power metal 2nd) 06 MX M-/Ex+ 1500
E085 SERENITY then came silence(Holy HOLY10CD UK doom metal 1st) 95 EU M-/Ex+ 1900
J020 SERGEANT streetwise(Stormspell SSR-SS07 +3 bonus +slipcase +obi ,ltd 250)
 UK + Swiss
melodious hard 2nd / 07 issue
86 US M-/M- 2500
A654 SERPENTOR privacion ilegitima de la libertad(Icarus 580) +slipcase, Argentine thrash 4th 09 AG M-/M- 1500
A355 SERPENTS KISS winters eve(- - - BAZCD001) private 8trk CDR / UK melodic metal
 blot on the label side
01 UK M-/Ex 300
S046 SERPIENTES DE ACERO sucio y rudo(Carpe Diem Cd09008 triple G/F paper cvr / Mexican metal 1st) 09 MX Ex+/Ex+ 1000
A285 SERUM see through my eyes(KDC 14079 German prog. metal 1st) 00 D M-/M- 500
A176 SEVEN ANGELS faceless man(Bombworks BWR0601 Brazilian melodic power 2nd)
 with female vo / Disc has scratches,no problem to play
06 C M-/VG+ 500
E978 SEVEN SIGNS silence of a wish(Crystal Rock Syndicate HICD085-54082)
 Dutch progressive metal 1st
95 EU M-/M- 800
E936 SEVEN WISHES same(Z Records ZR1997018 Swedish melodious hard - metal 1st) 99 UK Ex/M- 500
A141 SEVEN WISHES destination : alive(MTM 0681-122 Swedish melodious hard) 05 D M-/M- 800
C055 SEVEN WITCHES second war in heaven(Massacre MASCD0181 US power metal 1st) 99 D M-/M- 800
C098 SEVEN WITCHES passage to the other side(Sanctuary NO3742 US melodic metal 4th) 03 UK M-/M- 500
E635 SEVENTH AVENUE rainbowland(Asaph 9340012) German authentic power metal 1st, orig.CD 95 D M-/M- 2000
E440 SEVENTH AVENUE tales of tales(DS DSRCD033 German melodic power metal 2nd) 96 D M-/M- 800
L099 SEVENTH KEY the raging fire(Frontiers FRCD176 +1 video trk / US melodious hard)
 f.Billy Greer ex-Kansas, Mike Slamer ex-Streets,Streethouse Lane
04 IT M-/M- 1500
A621 SEVENTH OMEN majestic(Septagram SEP9898CD) US power metal 1st 95 US M-/M- 1000
A120 SEVENTH SEAL messengers of love(Retroactive RAR7847 07 released ltd 1000 RE)
 melodic Norwegian authentic metal
90 C M-/M- 1900
E353 SEVENTH SEAL the black dragons eye(Soundholic/Steel Heart SHCD1-0046/STH0307)
 +2 bonus +obi, Italian melodic metal 1st
03 JP
M-/M- 1000
E808 SEVENTH SEAL the black dragons eye(Steel Heart STH0307) +2 bonus, Italian melodic metal 1st 03 IT M-/M- 500
R137 SEVENTH WONDER mercy falls(Lion LMC247 Swedish progressive metal 3rd / Singapore pressing) 08 SG M-/M- 1000
R151 SHADE one way line(Rockcliffe RRS0906CD UK melodious hard 1st / female vo) 06 UK M-/M- 2900
E941 SHADOW GALLERY same(Apollon APCY-8083 US progressive metal 1st) 92 JP Ex+/Ex+ 500
E027 SHADOW GALLERY carved in stone(Magna Carta/Roadrunner RR8921-2) US progressive metal 2nd 95 D Ex+/Ex- 500
E899 SHADOWKEEP 6 track mini-album(Shadowkeep - - -) UK prog.metal 1st 6trax 99 UK M-/M- 1000
E690 SHADOWLAND through the looking glass(Zero XRCN1134 UK progressive hard) 94 JP M-/M- 1000
R122 SHADOWMAN land of the living(Escape ESM098 UK melodious hard - AOR)
 f.Steve Overland ex-FM,Steve Morris ex-Heartland
04 UK M-/M- 3900
A643 SHADOWMAN different angles(Escape ESM127) UK melodious hard 2nd
 f.Steve Overland ex-FM
06 UK M-/M- 1200
J063 SHADOWS OF IGA chessmans inn(Iga 002 private German prog.metal 2nd) 97 D M-/M- 1000
P047 SHADOWS OF STEEL same(Underground Symphony USCD-024 digi-pk +bklt)
 Italian melodic power metal 1st
97 IT M-/M- 1200
A466 SHADOWS OF STEEL twilight(Underground Symphony US-CD-030 digi-pk +bklt)
 Italian melodic power metal / 4trk EP +6trk bonus CD
98 IT Ex+/
E477 SHADOWS TIME fearillusionimagination(- - - CRICHN02 / private released CD)
 dark & melodic Brazilian metal 1st / 10trks
01 BR Ex+/M- 1200
M030 SHADOWSIDE dare to dream(S4/NL 10091 Brazilian power metal 2nd / female vox) 10 EU M-/M- 1000
R070 SHAVE same(Fandango TKCF45035 +1 bonus / Norwegian melodious hard) 97 JP M-/M- 1200
E469 SHEAVY celestial hi-fi(Music For Nations/Victor VICP61029 +2 bonus +obi)
 Canadian doom - stoner 3rd
00 JP M-/M- 1000
A644 SHEELA burned down(Victor VICP-5502) +obi, German melodious hard rock 95 JP M-/M- 600
A300 SHERATAN reencarnacion(Akeloo AKCD-001801 Spanish suthentic metal 1st) 06 SP M-/M- 1000
E787 SHINETH 11 of 10(Musik Produceterna AB MPABCD001 Swedish melodious hard) 06 SW M-/M- 1900
E634 SHINING FURY last sunrise(Metal Frontiers/King KICP999) +1 bonus,Italian melodic metal 1st 04 JP M-/Ex+ 500
N090 SHINING STEEL heavy metal shock(- - - private 6trk / French authentic metal / ltd 500) 10 EU Ex+/M- 1000
R052 SHOCK ,THE pinultimate(Bareknuckle AVCB-66031) +obi, UK melodious hard, ex-Virtue 98 JP M-/Ex+ 1000
R110 SHOCK TROOPERS blades and rods(Punishment 18 P18R021 Italian thrash 2nd) 10 IT M-/Ex 1000
E299 SHOCKMACHINE same(Victor VICP60654 +2 bonus +obi)
 f.Markus Grosskopf from Helloween,Uli Kusch ex-Holy Moses
98 JP M-/M- 1000
C035 SHOGGOTH combination(Elevate ERO1002 Italian progressive metal 4th) 98 EU M-/M- 1000
B160 SHOOTING STAR leap of faith(Home Grown Buzz/V&R 0224-2 US melodious hard) 00 US M-/M- 1500
B237 SHORTINO live : booked,toured,released(USG1030-2 ex-Rough Cutt) 99 EU M-/M- 1900
B052 SHOTGUN WEDDING emu(BMR - - - US mainstream hard rock / female vox) 93 US M-/M- 1500
A093 SHOUT same(Escape ESM014 US melodious hard ? metal) 97 US M-/M- 1200
D070 SHOUT same(Bareknuckle AVCB-66017) +1 bonus +obi, melodious US hard rock 1st
 JPN original cvr
97 JP M-/M- 1500
A266 SHUT UP & DAVE driven(Psycho Snake SUD11061 US hard rock) 94 US M-/Ex 500
R059 SHY brave the storm(Zoom ZCRCD66) +4 bonus, UK melodious hard 2nd 85 UK M-/M- 1900
E207 SIAM the language of menace(Now & Then NTHEN11)
 UK melodious hard - metal 1st / original cover
94 UK M-/M- 800
E248 SIAM the language of menace(Zero XRCN1195)
 UK melodious hard - metal 1st / ex-Shy
94 JP M-/M- 1000
E092 SIC same(Victor VICP60033 +2 bonus +obi / ex-Almighty) 97 JP M-/M- 1000
E118 SICK TRIGGER the stand(Mind Shank ST0001 US hard rock) 04 US M-/M- 1000
E190 SIEGES EVEN steps(Steamhammer SPV084-76212 German progressive metal 2nd) 90 D M-/Ex- 1000
A785 SIEGFRIED eisenwinter(Napalm NPR121) ltd digi-pk +bklt +1 bonus
 Austria' epic gothic metal 2nd +female vo
03 EU M-/M- 800
R133 SIFON akta x(Avik AV019202-2 melodious Czech metal 4th) 02 CZ M-/Ex 1900
CD5891 SIFON 2007(Avik AV028507-2 Czech melodic metal 5th) 07 CZ M-/UNP 2500
B125 SIGMA same(Atrheia ATRCD0004 Italian melodic metal 1st) 00 IT M-/M- 1000
A620 SIGMA win or lose(Shark 2023) digi-pk +bklt, Italy' melodic power metal 2nd 03 D Ex+/M- 600
A697 SIGMA SENTINEL hybris(- - -) private CDR, Uruguay' progressive metal 2nd
 The disc has scuffs, no problem to play,
02 URY M-/VG 500
CD6646 SIGN sign of time(Sign SGN295) early 90s melodious Swedish metal
 private 4trk
  SW M-/M- 2500
E974 SIGN OF THE SOUTHERN CROSS of mountains and moonshine
 (Season Of Mist SOM186 US southern groovy metal 1st)
09 US M-/M- 500
M034 SIGNAL <СИГНАЛ> the best of signal(UBP RBMC112 79-92 Bulgarian melodious hard)
 +obi for Japan /
96 released comp.
96 BG M-/M- 1500
N058 SILENT RAIN generation blind(SR Productions SR9902 6trk / Dutch hard rock - metal) 99 EU M-/M- 1000
D053 SILENT VOICES nothing lasts forever(Silent Voices VOICY0020 3trk5CDEP)
 Finnish progressive metal / private issue
97 FN M-/M- 800
E512 SILENT VOICES chapters of tragedy(Low Frequnecy LFR314018)
 Finnish progressive melodic metal 1st
02 FN M-/M- 1000
A475 SILENT WITNESS thrills(Escape ESM034 UK melodious hard rock 2nd) 98 UK Ex+/M- 500
P129 SILLY FOOLS the original previously limited single from bakery music
 (Bakery Music 51893520166 +obi / 4trax maxi / Thailand
s heavy rock)
00 TH M-/M- 1000
B235 SILVER BLADE old and real thoughts(Megahard MHR016 melodious Brazilian metal 1st) 99 BR M-/M- 1200
E018 SILVER CYPHER yesterdays tomorrow(Silver Cypher - - - US thrash 1st) 06 US M-/M- 2500
E741 SILVER DIRT sonic boom(Silver Dirt - - - private Swiss Sleazy metal - hard R&R) 06 SZ M-/Ex 500
C190 SILVER RISC anything she doesis magic(Unisound 8803010)
 RE of very rare melodious Greek authentic metal
93 GR M-/UNP 2500
D085 SILVER SERAPH same(Regain/Toshiba EMI TOCP-65929 +1 bonus +obi)
 Swedish melodious hard / f.Pete Sandberg ex-Midnight Sun
01 JP M-/M- 1000
J040 SINERGY to hell and back(Toys Factory TFCK-87215 +2 bonus +sticker +obi)
 Finnish symphonic metal 2nd / female vo
00 JP Ex+/Ex+ 1000
D025 SINERGY suicide by my side(Toy's factory TFCK-87275 +1 bonus +obi /female vo)
 Finnish melodic metal 3rd / f.Alex Laiho from Children of Bodom
02 JP Ex+/Ex 800
A408 SINNER mask of sanity(AFM 216-2) +2 bonus +2 video trk
 German authentic metal
07 D M-/M- 1000
B178 SIRENS global killers(OSR 666-16) 2CD inc,bonus comp.CD
 German melodic metal 3rd
01 EU M-/M-/M- 1000
A281 SKID ROW slave to the grind(Atlantic 82242-2 US glam metal 2nd / orig.issue) 91 US M-/M- 500
A513 SKID ROW b-side oursleves(Atlantic AMCY-440 5trk EP / taped booklet) 92 JP VG+/Ex 300
A528 SKID ROW b-side ourselves(Atlantic 82431-2 5trk EP / US glam metal) 92 US M-/M- 500
B189 SKID ROW youth gone wild(Atlantic 7567-85830-2 ltd holographic 4trk 5CDEP)
 c/w Delivering The Gods,Psycho Therapy,Get The Fuck Out
92 EU M-/Ex+ 500
A512 SKID ROW subhuman race(Atlantic 7567-82730-2 US hard rock - metal) 95 D Ex+/M- 500
P019 SKID ROW subhuman race(Atlantic AMCY-802) digi-pk +1 bonus +2 x bklt, US hard 3rd 95 JP M-/M- 500
R087 SKIN DIVER same(Avion AVCD2008 US mainstream hard rock) 93 US M-/M- 1900
E976 SKINTRADE same(Polydor/Polar 519157-2 / Swedish hard rock) 93 D M-/M- 500
J079 SKITZO mosh till vomit(Area death ADP018 ltd 1000, 2CD / US thrash)
 inc,1st Evilution '92 + 4trk EP '91 + rare demos in '85 - '90
08 CHN M-/Ex+/Ex 1000
E711 SKITZOTIK same(Long Island LIR00100 US metal - hard rock 1st) 95 D M-/M- 500
E665 SKREW burning in water,drowning in flame(Devotion CDDVN15)US industrial thrash 1st 92 UK Ex+/M- 500
M035 SKULL DAZE same(Street Symphonies SSR005 Italian sleazy metal like 80s LA metal) 10 EU M-/M- 1000
F017 SKULLVIEW legends of valor(R.I.P. - - - US authentic metal 1st) 97 US M-/M- 1500
E507 SKULLVIEW kings of the universe(Massacre MAS CD0221) US power metal 2nd 99 D M-/M- 600
CD8083 SKYCLAD a burnt offering for the bone idol(Noise/Victor VICP-5168) +obi
 UK folk metal 2nd
92 JP M-/M- 2900
C136 SKYCLAD prince of the poverty line(Noise N0239-2UX UK folk metal 4th / ex-Satan) 94 CZ M-/M- 800
E273 SKYCLAD old rope(Noise N0275-2 UK celtic metal / ex-Satan,Blind Fury / comp.) 96 EU M-/Ex+ 800
N071 SKYCLAD irrational anthems(Teichiku TECW-25209) +obi, UK folk metal 6th, ex-Satan 96 JP M-/M- 2500
P128 SKYCLAD irrational anthems(Massacre MASSCD084 digi-pk / UK folk metal / ex-Satan) 96 EU M-/SS 1500
A496 SKYCLAD the answer machine?(Fandango TKCF-45034) +1 bonus +obi
 UK folk metal 8th
97 JP M-/Ex 1000
P031 SKYCLAD the answer machine?(Massacre MASDP0128) digi-pk ,UK folk metal ex-Satan) 97 D M-/SS 2500
A519 SKYCLAD vintage whine(Massacre MAS DP0178) digi-pk +bklt +video trk
 enhanced CD / UK folk metal 9th / ex-Satan
99 EU M-/M- 1000
B240 SKYCLAD spinning jenny(Massacre MAS SH0203 ltd 5trk SPD PD / UK folk metal) 99 EU /Ex+ 1000
P038 SKYCLAD folkemon(Nuclear Blast 27361 65022) ltd gimmix jigsaw digi-pk +bklt +1 bonus
 UK folk metal
00 D M-/SS 1500
A101 SKYCLAD another fine mess(Demolition DEMCD112 UK folk metal)
 live at Dynamo
95 + 4 acoustic versions
01 UK M-/M- 1000
P127 SKYCLAD live at the dynamo(Burning Airlines PILOT139 live 95 & 92 / UK folk metal) 02 EU M-/SS 1500
M070 SKYLARK the horizon & the storm(EA1 Italian melodic metal private released 1st) 95 IT M-/M- 2000
B107 SKYLARK waiting for the princess(Underground Symphony USCD013)
 1st 4trk EP / Italian melodic power metal
96 EU M-/SS 1500
E375 SKYLARK dragons secrets(Underground Symphony USCD-017)
 Italian melodic power metal 2nd
97 IT M-/M- 1000
P036 SKYLARK dragons secrets(Underground Symphony USCD-017DP) digi-pk +bklt
 Italian melodic metal 2nd
97 IT M-/M- 1500
J128 SKYLARK belzebu(Undergorund Symphony USCD036) digi-pk,4trk
 Italian melodic power metal
99 IT M-/SS 1000
E363 SKYLARK the princess day(Underground Symphony USCD060 Italian melodic power metal 5th) 01 EU M-/M- 1000
CD1379 SLAM kapuk elott(EMI/Quint QUI906075)
 Hungarian mainstream - melodious hard rock
96 HU M-/UNP 1620
A728 SLAMMIN' GLADYS same(Priority/Brunett ALCB-683) US glam metal 92 JP M-/Ex+ 1000
A488 SLASHS SNAKEPIT its five oclock somewhere(Geffen MVCG169 +postcard +slipcase +obi) 95 JP Ex+/M- 500
E123 SLASHS SNAKEPIT its five oclock somewhere(Geffen GEFD24730 ex-Guns & Roses) 95 US M-/M- 500
E644 SLASHS SNAKEPIT beggars & hangers on(Geffen PRO-CD4719 promo 2trk) 95 US M-/M- 500
A122 SLASHS SNAKEPIT aint life grand(Victor VICP61160 +2 bonus +obi) 00 JP M-/VG 500
C105 SLAUGHTER the wild life(Chrysalis CDP21911) 92 US M-/Ex 500
A729 SLAUTER XSTROYES free the beast(Monster 007) US authentic metal recorded in '83 - '87 98 US
M-/M- 1000
B040 SLAYER undisputed attitude(American 74321 38325 2)
 CD album +promo 3trk5
CDEP with PS
96 US M-/M-/M- 1200
B246 SLAYER undisputed attitude(BMG/Victor BVCP-920 +2 bonus +obi / US thrash) 96 JP M-/M- 1500
B043 SLAYER diabolus in musica(American Recording CK69192 US thrash) 98 US Ex+/Ex+ 800
A730 SLAYER god hates us all(American Recordings 50-51011-6034-2-6) US thrash 01 EU M-/M- 500
R117 SLAYER god hates us all(American Recordings 314 586 332-2 ltd digi - card sleeve) 01 US M-/SS 800
IN015 SLAYER soundtrack to the apocalypse(Universal UICY-9387 4CD + DVD Box)
 NTSC/Region Free / +backstage pass +flag +bklt +Japanese bklt
03 JP
M-/all M- 16800
R125 SLAYER christ illusion(American Recordings/Warner WPCR-12366 +sticker +obi) 06 JP M-/Ex 1000
P013 SLAYER world painted blood(American 88697534382-S1 +ltd DVD ,digi-pk+slipcase)
 DVD = NTSC,region free / ltd deluxe version
09 US M-/M-/M- 1500
the tour 95(American/Warner Bros./Roadrunner PRO-CD-7393) promo 9trk 95 US M-/Ex+ 500
N087 SLEEPY HOLLOW 1989 - 1992 : rest in pieces(Unisound TRUE METAL 006)
 rare recordings
89 - 92 / US authentic metal
  GR M-/Ex+ 1000
R108 SLEEZE BEEZ power tool(Atlantic 7 82415-2 Dutch glam metal - hard rock 3rd)
 Chris van Jaarsveld ex-Picture
92 US M-/M- 1900
CD6963 SLINGBLADE the unpredicted deeds of molly black(High Roller HRR190CD)
 Swedish traditional metal 1st
11 D M-/SS 1600
B080 SLOW TRAIN song of the day(Sweden Rock Records SRR044)
 orthodox Swedish hard rock - metal
02 SW Ex+/M- 1000
C042 SLUDGE sweet daisy(Godhead GOD021CD Swedish doom metal / 4trk) 95 HO M-/M- 500
J119 SMAXONE regression(Gencross GCCY-1003 +1 bonus +obi)
 Danish modern metal - nu metal 1st with harsh vo!
05 JP M-/Ex+ 500
E565 SNAKE EYE wild sense(Brennus BR8102 French hard rock 1st) 03 FR M-/M- 800
E170 SNAKE HEART cask naked(Hammer HMRCD011 Hungarian melodious hard rock) 00 HU M-/Ex+ 800
P157 SOBIBOR furia y metal(Nergal NR-01 ltd 500 / Colombia thrash 1st / rare orginal CD) 06 COL M-/Ex 2900
C177 SOLEMNITY king of dreams(Remedy REM022) digi-pk +bklt/ German power metal 2nd 03 D Ex+/M- 1000
R166 SOLISIA ordinary fate(Underground Symphony USCD-110 digi-pk +bklt)
 Italian progressive symphonic metal 1st with female vo
10 IT M-/M- 3900
A337 SOLITUDE AETURNUS through the darkest hour(Crash CMU61234 digi-pk / US doom 3rd) '09 issue 94 US M-/M- 1000
E293 SON OF A BITCH victim you(HIQ/IRS IRS993.021 UK metal / ex-Saxon) 96 EU Ex+/Ex+ 500
A718 SONATA ARCTICA unopened(Spinefarm spi81cd) debut 2trk single, Finnish melodic metal 99 FN M-/Ex+ 800
E574 SONATA ARCTICA ecliptica(Century Media 77269-2) Finnish melodic metal 1st 99 D M-/M- 800
D077 SONATA ARCTICA successor(Avalon MICP-10201 7trk EP +2 bonus +obi / 9trk CD)
 Finnish melodic metal
00 JP M-/M- 600
C180 SONATA ARCTICA silence(Avalon MICP10247 +1 bonus / Finnish melodic metal 2nd) 01 JP M-/M- 800
E011 SONIC ORCHID same(Sonic Orchid SOB05) private 6trax CDR
 Canadian hard with female vo
05 C M-/Ex 500
E728 SORCERY eternity(Arise 011) Spanish power metal 1st, 唯一のアルバム 98 SP M-/Ex 500
E433 SOUL CAGES moments(Massacre MASSCD085 German progressive metal 2nd) 96 EU M-/M- 500
E434 SOUL CAGES craft(Massacre MASSCD0213 German progressive metal 3rd) 99 EU M-/M- 500
A719 SOUL DOCTOR same(Avalon MICP-10238) +1 bonus +sticker +obi, ex-Fair Warning
 German melodious hard rock 1st
01 JP M-/SS 700
A096 SOUL KITCHEN same(Giant 9 24461-2 US hard rock) 92 US Ex+/Ex 500
E480 SOUL SHOCK REMEDY fisheye lens(Revolution REVCD7777 US mainstream hard - funky hard rock) 94 US M-/M- 800
B065 SOULBLAZE same(Underground Symphony USCD-080 Italian melodic speed metal 1st)
 f.Wild Steel<vo> from Shadows Of Steel
05 IT M-/M- 1500
A399 SOULFLY same(Roadrunner RRCY-1070) +3 bonus +obi +printed green jewel case
 US + Brazil nu metal 1st / f.Max Cavalera ex-Sepultura
98 JP Ex/Ex+ 500
E528 SOULFLY tribe : ynottian special tour edition (Roadrunner RR2203-0 ex-Sepultura)
 Aussie limited 8trk / Brazilian extreme heavy
99 AU Ex+/M- 500
A451 SOULFLY 3(Roadrunner RRCY-21162 +1 bonus +obi / US nu metal / ex-Sepultura)
 printed brown jewel case<ex->
02 JP Ex/Ex 500
A033 SOULPREACHER sonic witchcraft(Mans Ruin MR129 US sludge - doom 1st)
99 US Ex+/Ex 500
D056 SOULRELIC love is a lie we both believed(Avalon MICP-10573 +1 bonus +obi)
 Finnish gothic melodic metal
06 JP M-/M- 1000
E842 SOULRELIC hollow craving(Soul Relic SRCD001 3trk +1 video trk promo CDR)
 Finnish melodic metal / originally no back inlay/
06 FN M-/M- 500
A515 SOULS AT ZERO six t six(Energy NRG 81111-2 6trk EP / US groovy metal) 94 US M-/Ex+ 500
A013 SOUND TRACK interview with the vampire(Geffen MVCG167 f.Guns N Roses) 94 JP M-/M- 500
A708 SPACE CHASER dead sun rising(TCM 069) German thrash 2nd 16 D M-/M- 1200
N063 SPACEMEN ,THE magic planet(Philips PHCA91 +obi / Swedish guitar instrumental) 90 JP M-/M- 1000
CD7528 SPARTA welcome to hell(High Roller HRR349 +1 bonus / Reunion of NWOBHM) 14 D M-/SS 1760
E973 SPARZANZA angels of engeance(Water Dragon WDSZZ015 Swedish stoner 1st) 01 FR M-/M- 800
E972 SPARZANZA into the sewers(Water Dragon WDSZZ019 Swedish stoner - heavy 2nd) 03 FR M-/M- 1200
L020 SPEED one(Blue Stone BSM1015 Norwegian melodious hard) 98 D M-/M- 1000
A622 SPEED METAL HELL prelude of death(Culto Ao Metal Distro - - -) 6trax, Brazil' speed metal - thrash 16 BR M-/Ex+ 1200
E010 SPELL for none and all(Bad Omen OMEN014CD) Canada' authentic metal 2nd 16 C M-/M- 1000
M084 SPELL BLAST ray of time(Spell Blast - - - Italian melodic metal / private 5trk mini album) 04 EU M-/Ex+ 500
A772 SPELLBOUND same(Rock Treasures RTCD003 80s Swedish metal reunioned! / 3rd) 97 EU M-/M- 2900
E590 SPELLSINGER the journey(Spellsinger LC3837 5trk / melodic German metal
 back inlay was waved,not bad
99 D Ex+/M- 500
L068 SPHINX test(Zero XRCN1217 +1 bonus +obi <ex> / US hard rock) 94 JP Ex+/Ex+ 1000
E038 SPIRAL TOWER mindkiller(Massacre MASCD0210) German power metal 1st, ex-Tragedy Divine 99 D M-/Ex 500
E779 SPIRIT WEB same(Stentorian - - -) US power metal 1st 00 US M-/M- 500
E758 SPIRITUAL BEGGARS another way to shine(Music For Nations CDMFN198)
 Swedish heavy rock 2nd like 70
s / f.Michael Amott
96 UK M-/M- 1000
N031 SPIRITUAL BEGGARS mantra iii(Music For Nations CDMFN231 Swedish heavy rock 3rd like 70s) 98 UK M-/M- 1000
A769 SPIRITUAL BEGGARS on fire(Music For Nations CDMFNX280) ltd digi-pk +bklt +1 bonus
 Swedish stoner - heavy rock 5th, f.Michael Amott, a little torn digi-pk
02 IT VG/M- 500
R056 SPIRITUAL BEGGARS on fire(Victor/Music For Nations VICP61948 +2 bonus +sticker)
 f.Michael Amott / Swedish heavy rock
02 JP M-/M- 1000
B242 SPLIT HEAVEN same(Asenath - - - +2 bonus / Mexican speed metal) 07 MX M-/Ex+ 1000
E987 SQUEALER <D> the prophecy(AFM 0046532AFM melodic German metal 3rd) 99 EU M-/M- 1000
E222 SQUEALER <D> under the cross(AFM PLCD001-2 melodic Geman metal) 02 D M-/M- 800
E530 SQUEALER <D> the circle shuts(AFM 222-2) +4 bonus / melodic German power metal 7th
 ltd edition
09 D M-/M- 1000
E271 SQUEALER A.D. confrontation(AFM AFM135-2 German power metal / a.k.a. Squealer) 06 D M-/M- 1000
E230 STAGE DOLLS stripped(Polydor POCP1183 melodious Norwegian hard rock) 91 JP M-/Ex+ 1500
C033 STAN BUSH dream the dream(Frontiers FRCD477 US melodious hard) 10 IT M-/M- 1000
C117 STARGATE the power within(STG2003 private 5trk/ melodic Italian progressive metal) 03 IT M-/M- 800
C220 STARGATE same(Steel Gallery SGRCD011 Greek neo-classical melodic metal 1st) 04 GR M-/M- 1000
E611 STATE OF MIND mother(Victor VICP5501 +obi / Swedish hard rock - metal) 95 JP M-/M- 500
CD3199 STEEL ASSASSIN from the vaults(Unisound 8803005 +slip case)
s US power metal very rare recordings on CD!
  GR M-/UNP 2500
A387 STEEL ATTACK fall into madness(AFM CD045-2 Swedish melodic power metal 2nd) 01 D M-/M- 500
M055 STEEL PROPHET the goddess principle(Brainstorm Division 50401 US power metal 1st) 95 D M-/Ex+ 2500
A552 STEEL PROPHET dark hallucinations(Nuclear Blast NB350-2) ltd digi-pk +1 bonus
US power metal 3rd with twin guitar leads
99 D M-/M- 500
A459 STEEL PROPHET messiah(Nuclear Blast 27361 64362 digi-pk +bklt / US power metal 4th) 00 D M-/Ex+ 500
E345 STEEL PROPHET genesis(Nuclear Blast NB546-2) US power metal) Inner Ascendance demo '89
 +7 covers from Accept,Iron Maiden,Black Sabbath,etc
00 D M-/M- 1000
P114 STEEL PROPHET book of the dead(Nuclear Blast NB558-2) digi-pk +bklt
 US power metal - epic metal
01 EU M-/M- 1000
J008 STEEL TORMENTOR return of a king(Nephin NRCD001 Irish traditional metal 2nd) 10 IR M-/Ex+ 1000
D008 STEEL WARRIOR visions from the mistland(- - - 199.005.999) rare original private pressing!
 melodic Brazilian power metal 1st
99 BR M-/M- 3900
E533 STEEL WARRIOR visions from the mistland(Steel Warriors 199.005.999)
 Brazilian authentic power metal 1st / rare cover!
 The disc has iennaiu,but no problem to play /
99 BR Ex+/VG 500
M021 STEEL WARRIOR army of the time(Hellion HEL0121 Brazilian power metal 2nd) 02 BR M-/M- 1000
D064 STEELEYES loud,strong and heavy(Steeleyes SE2008 German authentic metal / 5trk) 08 D M-/M- 500
B112 STEELLORD headbanger force(Megahard MHR036 Brazilian authentic metal 1st) 01 BR M-/Ex 1200
cavaliers(Menny Begger Music Prod. - - - Israel melodious rock) 02 ISR M-/M- 1500
E409 STEVE SYLVESTER mad messiah(Lucifer Rising CD/LR511 ex-Death SS)
 Italian heavy rock - doom metal influenced 70
s heavy rock
98 IT M-/M- 2500
A458 STEVE VAI passion & warfare(CBS/Sony CSCS5180) 90 JP M-/Ex+ 500
E188 STEVE VAI sex & religion(Relativity 88561-1132-2) 93 US M-/M- 500
E792 STIGMA IV a history in pain - live(Stigma IV BH2113 Austria melodic metal) 03 FR M-/Ex 500
A665 STIGMATA solum mente infirmis(Victor VICP^60312) +1 bonus +obi
 Austria' melodic metal 1st, a.k.a.Stygma IV
98 JP M-/M- 800
E759 STILLBORN state of disconnection(Century Media CM7747-2 Swedish doom metal 3rd) 92 US Ex+/M- 800
A677 STONE HAWKS same(Sonopress SH001) Brazil' progressive metal 99 BR M-/M- 1500
E185 STONE SOUP spooge(Nexus KICP578 +2 bonus +obi / US melodious hard / diff.cvr!) 97 JP M-/M- 1500
E809 STONEHENGE scum brigade(More Hate MHP005-05 Russian doom metal 4th) 01 RU M-/Ex 500
E866 STORMHAMMER fireball(Century Media 77295-2 German melodic power metal 1st) 00 D M-/M- 500
E275 STORMHAMMER cold desert moon(Century Media 77373-2)
 German melodic power metal 2nd
01 D M-/Ex 800
N084 STORMING HEAVEN life in paradise(Nexus KICP549 +obi / melodious Canadian hard) 96 JP M-/M- 1500
A218 STORMRIDER ,THE criseida(GOI Music GOI2003-14 Spanish melodic metal 1st) 03 SP Ex+/M- 1000
E446 STORMWAVE love is a dangerous game(Tyrolis CDS350115) rare CD!
 Austrian melodious metal 2nd
89 AR M-/Ex 6900
A346 STORMWIND heaven can wait(Dreanchaser SCCD-6) +2 bonus +obi, Swedish melodic metal 3rd 99 JP M-/M- 800
R003 STORMWIND resurrection(Avalon MICP10186 +2 bonus +obi / Swedish melodic metal 4th) 00 JP M-/Ex+ 1000
B175 STORMWITCH the beauty and the beast(Battle Cry BC006) +9 bonus
 German traditional metal 4th
87 EU M-/M- 1500
B196 STORMWITCH stronger than heaven(Laserlight 15 391) German authentic metal
 comp. from 1st Walpurgis Night +3rd Stronger Than Heaven
91 D M-/Ex+ 1500
N028 STORYTELLER crossroad(Soundholic TKCS-85031) +1 bonus +obi
 Swedish melodic power metal 2nd
01 JP M-/M- 1000
L064 STRANGEWAYS walk in the fire(Majestic Rock MAJCD071 UK Scottish melodious hard) 89 EU M-/M- 1000
E985 STRAPPING YOUNG LAD city(Century Media 7851-2 Canadian industrial metal / f.Devin Townsend) 97 US M-/M- 500
P074 STRATOVARIUS fright night(Columbia COL474290-2) melodioc Finnish metal 1st, Remaster 89 EU M-/SS 1900
S043 STRATOVARIUS twilight time(Victor VICP-5703 +obi / Finnish melodic metal 2nd)
 ltd paper cvr like mini LP /
96 issue
92 JP M-/M- 1500
E931 STRATOVARIUS twilight time(T&T TT002-2 Finnish melodic metal 2nd) 92 EU M-/M- 500
A377 STRATOVARIUS hunting high and low(Victor VICP-60953 5trkEP +obi)
 Finnish melodic metal
00 JP Ex+/M- 500
J080 STRIDE imagine(Wood Bell WBEX25020 +1 bonus +obi / US progressive metal 3rd) 06 JP M-/M- 500
M062 STRIDENT on the aim(Strident Prod. - - - Israel thrash 1st) 10 ISR M-/M- 1000
M093 STRIKE MASTER vicious nightmare(Marquee MR047 Mexican thrash 2nd) 09 BR M-/Ex+ 800
E131 STRIP MIND whats in your mouth(Sire WPCP5634) +secret trk +obi
 US groovy thrash 1st
93 JP M-/Ex- 500
R041 STRIPSHOW late nite cult show(Soundholic SHCD1-0018) +obi, Icelands - metal 1st 97 JP M-/M- 1000
C137 STRYKEN first strike(Girder GR1002 +1 bonus / RE of rare US metal / 06 issue) 86 US M-/M- 1200
A655 STS 8 MISSION slippin' into fiction(Metal Mania/Teichiku TECX-28168) +obi
 German authentic metal 2nd
92 JP M-/M- 1000
E193 STS 8 MISSION blind(Metal Mania/Teichiku TECX25678 +2 bonus +obi / German metal) 94 JP M-/M- 1500
CD7870 STYGIAN planetary destruction(Fems APCY-8123 +obi / US thrash 1st) 92 JP M-/M- 4900
E923 STYGMA IV phobia(Rising Sun 312.5001.2 Austria progressive melodic power metal 4th) 01 D M-/M- 500
E145 STYGMA IV the human twilight zone(Rising Sun 312.5007.2 Austria melodic metal) 02 D M-/M- 500
N052 SU TA GAR hortzak estuturik(Esan Ozenki EO015CD Spanish power metal 2nd) 92 SP M-/M- 4900
P139 SU TA GAR 1987 - 89(Gaztelupeko Hotsak G.H.015 digi-pk +1 video trk)
 their first 2 demos
87 - 89 on 1CD / Spanish authentic metal
99 SP Ex+/Ex+ 1200
C114 SUBCUTANE circle of fools(WMMS 104 German power metal 2nd)
ジャケ右下、軽い噛み跡有/ a slight bite at the bottom right of booklet
97 D Ex/M- 1500
R121 SUBWAY hold on to your dreams(GSE 5201-2 Swiss melodious hard - metal) 92 D Ex+/Ex 1900
P086 SUBWAY light of the night(Victor VICP5258 +obi / Swiss melodious hard rock) 93 JP M-/SS 2900
R120 SUBWAY hear you cry(GSE 5204-2 4trk5EP / Swiss melodious hard rock)
 c/w Wheels Keep On Turning,Preacher & Rock It Up
93 D M-/M- 1000
F025 SUICIETY the strategy of hate(Crypta 8200-2 German thrash 1st / with barcode) 93 D M-/M- 1900
CD7498 SULTAN check and mate(Zar Music CTE884951-906 Swiss authentic metal 1st)
 very rare original!
90 D Ex+/Ex 9800
A518 SUN N STEEL writings on the wall(SNS Music SNS972) Swiss melodious hard - metal
 1st / rare private issue / orange logo & letterings on cvr
97 SZ M-/M- 2900
N026 SUN RED SUN same(Sun Red Sun - - - /OZ SRS001 +Japanese inst & obi for Japan)
d by Al Romano on front cvr + Bobby Rondinelli inside of the booklet
95 US
M-/M- 2500
A235 SUNBLAZE illuminating heights(Sunblaze - - - private 5trk mini album)
 German symphonic prog.hard - metal)
97 D M-/Ex+ 1000
A118 SUPERNOVA rock star(Burnett/Epic 82876884142 f.Tommy Lee,Jason Newsted) 06 US M-/M- 500
C176 SUPREME MAJESTY danger(Metal Frontier/King KICP965 +1 bonus +obi)
 Swedish melodic power metal 2nd
03 JP M-/M- 1000
A302 SURGEON the sign of ending grace(SKO Musik SKO-69101 German prog.metal 1st)
 rare orig.issue with black & white back inlay, black label, no IFPI code
91 D M-/M- 2900
M095 SURGEON the sign of ending grace(SKO Musik SKO-69101)
 German prog.metal 1st /
97 issue
91 D M-/M- 1300
R102 SURVIVAL rock and roll sacrifice(Metal Ways MWR010-14) Mexican thrash - speed metal 1st 14 MX M-/M- 1500
N072 SUSPYRE a great divide(Nightmare NMR-292 US symphonic prog.metal 2nd) 07 US M-/M- 2500
D096 SVEN GALI same(BMG Victor BVCP-633) +obi, Canada' hard rock 1st 93 JP M-/M- 1000
E053 SWALLOWS in trance(Brennus BR8004AR French melodic hard rock) 96 FR M-/M- 500
E043 SWEET LEAF naked(Dazed And Confused DAZEDCD001 Norwegian stoner - doom) 99 NR M-/M- 1000
C115 SWEET SAVAGE killing time(Neat Metal/Pony Canyon PCCY-01034 +1 bonus +obi)
 Reunion of NWOBHM
96 JP M-/M- 2500
A140 SWEET SISTER flora & fauna(Under One Flag CDFLAG82 Spanish hard rock) 94 UK M-/Ex 500
J076 SYGNET,THE children of the future(Victor VICP60470 +1 bonus +obi)
 melodious German metal / ex-Letter X,Jaded Heart
98 JP M-/M- 1900
R156 SYMBOLS same(Symbols SMB0241537) Brazilian melodic power metal 1st
 rare original CD / 8trks
98 BR Ex+/M- 1500
R157 SYMBOLS call to the end(Megahard MHR012 Brazilian melodic power metal 2nd) 00 BR M-/M- 1500
A467 SYMFONIA in paradisum(Avalon MICP-10980 +obi / melodic metal super project)
 f.Andre Matos ex-Angra, Timo Tolki ex-Stratovarius
11 JP M-/M- 800
E789 SYMMETRY eye to eye(- - - private 3trk EP / German progressive metal) 96 D M-/M- 800
S042 SYMPHONIA satria naga(Pekanmaya - - -) triple G/F digi-pk
neo classical melodic metal 1st
08 MYS M-/M- 1000
A227 SYMPHONIC AGE prologue to infinity(Rock Symphony RSLN059 Brazilian prog.metal) 00 BR M-/Ex+ 800
A784 SYMPHONY X the divine wings of tragedy(Zero XRCN-1279) US progressive metal 3rd 96 JP Ex/Ex- 500
E666 SYNAPSE sword of truth(Antares 1003 US authentic metal 1st) 90 US M-/M- 3900
J053 SYNDIA same(Muza PNCD089 melodious Polish metal / rare CD!)
盤、キズ有り・play問題ありません / some scratches,no problem to play
92 HU M-/VG 2900
E983 SYNTRA one(Metal Enterprises ME551CD German authentic metal 1st) 90 D M-/Ex 2900
E511 SYRINX crystal cliffs(Season Of Mist SOM030 French progressive metal 1st) 00 EU M-/M- 800


12"/LP A-L
12"/LP M-Z
JAZZ 国内ロック
JAZZ 国内ロック